Sunday, February 27, 2011

The World's Smallest Aquarium

Small fry: The tiny fish tank was made by a Russian artist who specialises in miniatures

 Here is the perfect home for small fry: the world's smallest aquarium.

Created by Russian artist Anatoly Konenko, who specialises in miniatures, the tiny tank is made of glass, contains tiny stones and plants and is home to a group of tiny fish.

It is just 30mm wide, 24mm high and 14 mm deep - enough to hold just 10ml of water, or about two tablespoons' worth.

The water has to be applied using a syringe so as not to disturb the landscape the Siberia-artist lovingly created.

Konenko, who calls his art 'micro-miniatures', even made a minuscule fishing net which he used to place the fish, baby Danios.

The adults are usually a favourite with more normal sized tanks but the tiny fish look at home in Konenko's construction for which he has since added a specially built air pump.

In the net: Anatoly Konenko made a small net to match, and tiny Danios fish swam around in the tank, which takes only two teaspoons of water to fill

Something fishy: The tank is just 30mm wide, 24mm high and 14 mm deep

Konenko is also a painter and is in the Guinness World Records book for making the world's smallest book.

He said: 'I've been doing microart for 30 years, doing the smallest things in the world.

'This tank was made out of curiosity.'

He works using a microscope for most of his work and has won awards in his home country and round the world.

READ MORE - The World's Smallest Aquarium

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Coolest Locksmith Shop in New York City

Chances are, you’ve noticed Greenwich Locksmiths in your travels through the West Village. It occupies a small storefront just south of Commerce Street on one of the stranger parcels of land in Manhattan…

And though it’s been in business since 1968, it really hasn’t changed all that much. Compare the recent picture above to one taken in the 1980′s…

Then, last week, I received a letter from attentive reader Jonathan Burr, urging me to take a closer look at the building, as something had changed. I went by today – and was absolutely blown away.

From a distance, it looks like a bunch of golden squiggles and spirals have been added, snaking whimsically across the facade. But get a little closer and you’ll find the real magic…

The new design is made up entirely of keys:

Literally thousands…

…and thousands…

 …and thousands of keys, twisting into wonderful assortment of swoops and twirls.

The key facade was designed and installed entirely by owner Phil Mortillaro back in October, and I can’t tell you how beautiful it is up close.

It almost feels like the locksmith version of a Pollock painting – tens of thousands of keys seemingly strewn about haphazardly, yet in the mess, patterns emerge.


In the top corner:

Even the inside of the door got the key treatment…

I love the spiral below, almost like a bronze-colored licorice wheel -

…around the mailbox…

One enormous key overhead…

…and more on the side:

Feeling tired? Have a seat on Mortillaro’s hand-made chair out front…

…which has gotta be one of the coolest chairs in New York (if not necessarily the most comfortable!):

The seat:

 Mortillaro has apparently been looking to make his building more distinct for quite some time. On the Greenwich Locksmiths website, I came across a NY Times article revealing that, in 1991, Mortillaro reached out to an architect to redesign the facade. “What can I do with this place? It looks like any building on Queens Boulevard, I’m proud to be an American, I’d like you to make this a real American building.”

The architect came up with this:

Wow! The Landmarks Preservation Commission gave its unanimous approval, and according to the article, Mortillaro was set to begin construction in 1992…but ultimately, he decided against it. “It would have been more Disney World,” he said in an interview.
READ MORE - The Coolest Locksmith Shop in New York City

Giant Coins Using Coins 84,000

Wander Matrich, from Grand Rapids, Michigan, spent three months creating a giant sculpture made coins than 84,000 coins.

The story of how this woman managed to create unique works of art that was started in 2006, when Matrich and his family are going through a very difficult time. She had just divorced, lost her home to foreclosure and is the mother of two daughters, unemployment was 6 and 9 years old. He really saved every penny and children camped in their piggy bank contents, for help in times of trouble. These coins are stored in a plastic water jug, and even after Wander finally found a job, he took $ 20 from each salary, turning it into coins and continue to fill it.

Things began to look Wander and his family, but although he eventually switched to a savings account, he kept all the money, as a reminder of how his property has been turned. Then, in 2010, he decided to use a small fortune coin to enter the competition ArtPrize Grand Rapids. he began to choose carefully coin (discard that have scratches, marks or paint on the coin) and placed into a wooden frame, in the form of a giant coin. Even local banks involved in the event, offers a brand new coin from U.S. Mint, so that he can create it.

He works 10-14 hours a day, for three months, but the end result is stunning, and this self-taught artist successfully ranked sixth of the hundreds of participants ArtPrize contest, and attracted the attention of Ripley's Believe It or Not, which recently obtained a giant coin. It is composed than 84,000 coins with 22 tube adhesive, measuring 8 feet in diameter and 10 feet tall, and weighs approximately 1,200 pounds.

"Art is the only way I could tell a mass of people my story, I wanted to share the message that anyone can do this, you just have to start somewhere. What is important is not how much you do, but how much you save" Wander Matrich said Ripley's.

I have seen a large coin artwork before, but this is probably the most impressive, especially since it is supported by such inspiring stories.
READ MORE - Giant Coins Using Coins 84,000

10 Facts About Magic Life In Outer Space

One day experiencing sunrise 17x

The sun rises and sets every 90 minutes in orbit, making it very difficult to sleep soundly in the absence of a normal day / night cycle. To overcome this, the administrator ISS astronauts set a schedule to keep their activities accordingly. ISS onboard clock set to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). To keep the astronauts remain on schedule, Mission Control call waking. To fill the time they usually play music and similar activities

You Will Grow higher

Without the compression force of gravity, your spine to grow and you grow taller, usually between 5cm and 8cm. Unfortunately, extra height can bring complications, which can include back pain and nerve problems.

Stop Snoring when asleep

A 2001 study showed that astronauts who snored on Earth asleep silently in space. That's because gravity plays a dominant role in the generation of apneas, hypopneas, and snoring. NASA even has recorded the activities of crew who often snore, but the effects of zero gravity appears to reduce snoring.

Some foods and herbs require the addition of water to be eaten 

In the plane, salt and pepper are available but only in liquid form. This is because the astronauts do not sprinkle salt and pepper on their food in space. Salt and pepper would simply float. It is very dangerous because it could clog air vents, contaminate equipment or get stuck in the mouth, eyes or nose astronauts. 

Oldest astronaut who lived on planes during 438 days 

The record for the longest mission held by Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov, who completed 438 days (or 14 months) travel in the space station Mir in 1995 

Only 3 people have ever died in a spacecraft 

 The crew of Soyuz 11, Georgi Dobrovolski, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Patsayev, was killed after undocking from space station Salyut 1 after only three weeks.

Almost every astronauts experience space sickness

In the absence of gravity, signals from the system vestibulary and pressure receptors become chaotic. The effect usually leads to disorientation of the body: many astronauts suddenly find themselves just as upside down, or even have difficulty in sensing the location of their own arms and legs. This disorientation is the main cause of the so-called Space Adaptation Syndrome

The most difficult thing is to Adaptation when you return from space

When they returned to Earth, astronauts have to adapt again like experience when they first into space. There is one phase of adaptation a little time for the habit, kosmonotRusia Some have reported that several months after the flight, they still occasionally let go cups or other objects in the air - and confused when it fell to the floor

Cosmic Radiation create glare vision

Staring out of their space capsules, Apollo astronauts witnessed sights that humans had never seen before. They see the sights of the earth that blue light on. They saw the far side of the Moon. They also saw strange flashes of light inside their eyeballs!.

You may have to take sponge baths for personal hygiene

While stations such as Skylab and Mir have been equipped with shower, bath sponge Many astronauts replace using a washcloth or wet towel. This will reduce the amount of water consumed. Each astronaut will also have a personal hygiene kit with a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, razors and other basic toiletries.     
READ MORE - 10 Facts About Magic Life In Outer Space